The Rub
I had heard many times before about putting a "rub" on them, but didn't have any good recipes, so I took to the interwebz and found this little gem on for some pretty fabulous rub! 3 Tbsp brown sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp paprika
1 1/2 Tbsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp ground black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
You would rub this on your ribs (or chicken) and let it sit for half an hour to blend.
Making smoke bombs
To create "smoke bomb" balls to go on the briquettes or directly on the burners of your gas grill, you'll need the following ingredients:* Wet (not damp) wood chips (we used mesquite)
* aluminum foil
* a sharp utensil (fork, knife, etc.) to poke holes.
Put the wet, but not damp wood chips in aluminum foil, enclose, and poke holes in the foil. Heat HALF of the grill to around 375* and add the smoke bombs. (i.e. don't turn on both burners)
Now for the meat
After the ribs or chicken have blended with the rub well, add them indirectly to the grill, by placing them on the side of the grill that doesn't have a flame. Let them grill 30 minutes like this.After 30 minutes, you'll want to wrap the ribs (or chicken) in aluminum foil and add a little apple juice in there, then return it to the grill to indirectly smoke/cook another 30 minutes.
After those additional 30 minutes have passed, take the ribs out of the foil, return them to the grill, and let them smoke/grill another 20 minutes or so on low (around 275*)
Slathering on the sauce
Pick your favorite BBQ sauce, and begin slathering it on one side of the ribs, then let it let it cook for 5 minutes before flipping the ribs and slathering the sauce on the other side. Keep doing this routine about 3 or 4 times.EAT THEM!
(Sorry, the picture is off my phone, and isn't the best clarity)
If you're disappointed, you probably didn't follow my directions. They were a HUGE hit with our friends and their kids who were over for supper.
We paired them with mashed potatoes and fresh corn on the cob with butter and salt!